Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Most Impacting Memory

There are so many memories that have been created in Green Team. Ranging from being on the news to planting our own Petunias for anyone who happens to pass by to see, there are a variety of memories and bonds created in this class. But for me, the most impacting memory would have to be helping and teaching the sixth graders how to plant yellow Snapdragons.

One day while we were out at the garden, we invited a class of sixth graders to help plant. At first, many people didn’t know what they were doing and it was a mess. We got them under control and taught them how to dig a hole deep enough for their plant. Then, we showed them the correct way to take the snapdragons out of their pot. Eventually, we got them to put them into their hole and cover their sides.

To me, this was the most impacting so far because it made me feel like I was able to teach others. It shows you can spread your knowledge and influence others to do what can make this world prettier and better. Now, every time I walk out there, I remember the day I helped others. 

Angela Canonizado, 8th Grade 

Green Team Vice President 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Harris Middle School Green Team Launches Sprouts Program

The Harris Middle School Community Garden, run by co-directors Lacey Trevino and Loryn Windwehen, have launched a new program, Sprouts. The members of the Harris Middle School Green Team, sponsored by Windwehen, will teach the younger students via hands-on outdoor activities. Through this peer teaching, they hope to further the reach of the Harris Community Garden and get young students excited about environmental and horticultural sciences. This program is open to all elementary schools. To learn more about how to sign up, click here

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Vermicomposting Has Reached a New Level for the Harris Green Team

Thanks to the craftsmanship of Dr. Maika and the teamwork of the Harris Green Team, 400 red wiggler worms were placed in their new habitat, The Worm Hotel. We are still developing a name for the structure, but we are very excited. 

The worms work their way up the tower, eating organic material and releasing their waste. The waste falls to the bottom, and we harvest that, using it to fertilize our vegetables. It is the richest fertilizer you can find, and has many worm eggs within those nutritious castings. This will allow for the continuing the life cycle within the soil of our crops. 

For directions on how to build your own, click here : http://pittsburghpermaculture.org/hardware/how-to-stacked-worm-composting-for-15

The Green Team and directors will be offering a class this Spring on this very topic, and you can sign up through NEISD Community Ed. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Freeze preparation

The Harris garden is in need of old sheets, blankets, or anything else that will help us protect our plants from the freeze. Contact lwindw@neisd.net if you have any! Thank you so much!