Harris Community Garden is looking for volunteers to spread mulch and remove unwanted grass from the teaching beds.
Please contact lwindw@neisd.net if you can help at your convenience!
aims to bridge the school with their community, working together to make a positive difference. We hope to engage our 21st century students with service-based learning. The Harris Middle School Community Garden is the instrument that we will use to make a lasting impact on the community and the school.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
HCG is a Certified Monarch Waystation!
The Harris Community Garden is proud to announce that it is a Certified Monarch Waystation.
"Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world."
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Volunteers Needed to Spread Mulch and De-Weed Beds
Parents and community members,
We need your help spreading mulch in the garden and de-weeding some flower beds. All the rain is such a blessing, but the weeds are coming back with a vengeance. If you can help at any time that is convenient for you, please email lwindw@neisd.net.
Also, we are in need of small planting containers (4 inch plastic pots).. LOTS of them.. if you know of anyone that has any or are willing to ask companies for donations, please contact us!
We need your help spreading mulch in the garden and de-weeding some flower beds. All the rain is such a blessing, but the weeds are coming back with a vengeance. If you can help at any time that is convenient for you, please email lwindw@neisd.net.
Also, we are in need of small planting containers (4 inch plastic pots).. LOTS of them.. if you know of anyone that has any or are willing to ask companies for donations, please contact us!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Thank you to San Antonio Fire Department, Engine 19!
We could not be more grateful for the volunteerism displayed by Mr. Davila and his team! They spent a considerable amount of time assembling two 80 gallon composters for us, transporting them to the school, and then came up to our school to make sure they were positioned perfectly in the garden.
Enjoy some photos of this huge task they completed for our students!
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Thank you to our Business Partner of the Month, Vulcan!!!
Vulcan materials has been a consistent supporter in so many ways to Harris Middle School, but this month we are giving them a special thanks from the Harris Middle School Community Garden. They donated enough funds to sustain us for an entire month, and we could not be more grateful. Thank you, Vulcan!
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